Often, mortgages fall outside the standards set by banks and are not feasible, or at least not through the usual channels or within the timeframes we need. If this is your case, you’ve probably heard of the mortgage broker, a professional who seeks financing options and charges for their services. At Wypo, we go one step further and offer you our PERSONAL BANKER.
The Personal Banker is a financial expert with a minimum of 10 years of mortgage experience in banking who will thoroughly study your case to find viable alternatives for your mortgage.
In these cases, exclusive dedication is required, and therefore, it is a paid service but very affordable. If you do quick research, you’ll find out that our services are prices fairly as we aim to make mortgage financing accessible to everyone.
• You will only pay an initial amount (€99) for the service contract upon presentation of a viable offer, and the rest upon success (only if you obtain the FEIN, which is a binding offer from the bank).
• You can request this service by sending us an email to: hipotecaSOS@wypo.es
We will contact you as soon as possible.